Luke Walton...Is He Guilty?

Luke Walton is the coach of our local NBA team, the Sacramento Kings. He was accused of sexually assaulting Kellin Tennant during his previous years as the assistant coach to the Golden State Warriors. Tennant was a former Spectrum SportsNet host when the alleged assault happened. She claimed that he tied her down and sexually assaulted her. However, there is no hard evidence yet to be found that this truly happened. Therefore, we are left to think for ourselves, is Walton guilty or innocent?

The first article I read was from the Los Angeles Times. their point of view was pretty neutral and did not persuade me to think that they felt more one way than the other. In the L.A. Times article, they were much more descriptive of how Walton assaulted Tennant. They gave specifics as to what he had done to her in the hotel room, whereas the second article simply stated that he had groped her.
The second article I read was from TMZ. although the actual article itself was fairly short and too had a neutral standing as to if they found Luke Walton to be guilty or innocent, it was interesting to read the comment section and see what other people thought. I was surprised to read that so many people had assumed that Kelli Tennant was lying and just wanted to sue Walton for money. This was interesting considering there was no solid evidence to convict either party guilty or not. so the difference in language can be seen in two instances. first, the Los Angeles Times was more descriptive and gave a better understanding of the case. Finally, in TMZ's article, it could be clearly seen that, through the public's eyes, Walton was deemed innocent and Tennant was found guilty.
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